“Engineers Day Celebration”
Friday Sept 15 from 7:30 to 9:00 pm IST
“Synergising Clean Energy and Green Transportation for the Sustainable Future” by Dr. Deepak Waikar, EduEnergy, Singapore
Registration Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrf-Crrj0sE9TjHrdkRwFGdEg5v100ExOj
Special Industry Academy Collaboration Monthly Meeting with Industry Guests
Mon Sept 11, at 7 pm;
Link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYlcuCsqTkpEtRNN8uux-HvA-YQQYIXgUyF
The agenda for this meeting is a conversation with two of the collaborators (Industries) of the team at the St. Joseph Engineering College in Mangalore. The two companies with the MoU with SJEC will attend the meeting along with the SJEC faculty working with these companies.
1) Cyclops Medtech Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru.
2) Accolade Tech Solutions, Mangaluru.
INTLC (IUCEE Network of Teaching and Learning Centers) BiWeekly Meeting, Thursday, September 14 at 8 pm
Student Chapter Monthly Meeting: Saturday, Sept 16 at 7 pm
Courses: Ongoing
IUCEE NEP MiniCourse “Overview of Emerging Technologies” Fall 2023 Webinar 3
Mon Sept 11 at 8:00 pm
(413 participants from 27 IUCEE Colleges)
IUCEE NEP MiniCourse “Social Emotional Learning” Fall 2023 Webinar 3
Tue, Sept 12 at 4:00 pm
(300 participants from 27 IUCEE Colleges)
IUCEE NEP MiniCourse “Clean and Green Campus” Fall 2023 Webinar 3
Tue, Sept 12 at 7:00 pm
(341 participants from 27 IUCEE Colleges)
IIEECP (IUCEE International Engineering Educators Certification Program) Fall 2023
Thu, Sept 14 at 7:00 pm: “Creating a Dynamic Classroom: Lecture 3”
(275 participants from 35 IUCEE Colleges)
Please contact Sridhar Nori at sridharn18@gmail.com for additional information.