The main objective of the Mini-Symposium is to identify good practices, share the challenges and lessons learned, and prepare an actionable PBL roadmap unique to the Indian context. This is directly relevant to guidelines for “holistic and interdisciplinary education” as per the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.
The One-and-half-day Mini-Symposium will be held on 9th (Saturday) and 10th (Sunday) October 2021.
Google Site for details of the Mini-Symposium:
The Mini-Symposium will consist of Keynotes, Plenary and Panel sessions
- Institutional Reports and Faculty Case Studies which follow the prescribed guidelines and demonstrate significant impact, will be selected for presentation by participants in parallel sessions.
- Participants will be engaged in follow up planning in Breakout sessions.
- Several Speakers for the Keynotes and Plenaries will be identified from the Institutional Reports and Case Studies received.
- Selected reports and case studies will be published as a special e-Booklet by IUCEE Foundation.
You are encouraged to submit Institutional PBL Reports and Faculty PBL Case Studies, even if it is work in progress
Institutional Reports and Faculty Case Studies will include the current status of PBL, reasons for adoption, lessons learned, current challenges and future plans.
Deadline for Submission of Reports and Case Studies is Sept 10.
Submissions must be according to templates provided.
Links for Downloading the templates and uploading the reports are given below:
Link to Download Report Templates:
Link to Upload Reports:
- Submission of Reports and Case Studies: 10th September 2021
- Notification of Acceptance for Presentation: 20th September 2021
- Registration for Presenters/Authors: 30th September 2021
- Registration for Participants: 7th October 2021
Registration Fee:
Rs 500 per participant of IUCEE Consortium Members
Rs 2,000 per participant of Non-IUCEE Consortium Members
Registration Link:
Institutional Report/Case Study on Problem/Project Based Learning