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November 7, 2022

Week of October 31, 2022

Courses: Ongoing “Enhancing Clean, Green, and Smart Learning Spaces in and around Campus“, Lecture 2: Wed Nov 2  at 7:30 pm IST (50 participants from 12 institutions) “IUCEE International Engineering
IUCEE Previous Weeks

October 31, 2022

Week of October 24, 2022

WebinarsIFEEES GEDC IUCEE Brent Felder Webinar 2: “Why Engineering Education Must Change (and how to go about it!)”: Dr. Roger Hadgraft, University of Sydney, Australia Wed Oct 26 at 3:30
IUCEE Previous Weeks

October 26, 2022

Week of October 17, 2022

Collaboration Cluster Meetings OBE and Accreditation Collaboration: Thu Oct 20 at 6 pm IST https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlc-mtrTgiG9PUid9mmruk3uWORPMpPduV PBL Cluster Collaboration: Fri Oct 21 at 8 pm IST https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84215339983?pwd=STA3L3YrVlhva0c5aWs2eC81WThCUT09Courses: Ongoing “Enhancing Clean, Green,
IUCEE Previous Weeks