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Week of October 24, 2022

IFEEES GEDC IUCEE Brent Felder Webinar 2: “Why Engineering Education Must Change (and how to go about it!)”: Dr. Roger Hadgraft, University of Sydney, Australia Wed Oct 26 at 3:30 pm IST.

Courses: Ongoing
 – “IUCEE International Engineering Educators Certification Program”, Fall 2022:
 – “Effective Assessment” Lecture 1 on Fri October 28 at 7 pm (restricted to 212 participants from 43 institutions
 – “Techno Socio-Entrepreneurship Education Program”, Session 3: Sat October 29 at 2:00 pm IST: 20 participants from 2 institutions
 – “Engineering Education Research” Lecture 1: October 29 at 8:00 am IST; 70 participants from 32 institutions
 – “Climate Concepts for Engineers” Lecture 7: Sun October 30 at 8:00 am IST; 47 participants including 39 students from 8 institutions

Upcoming Events
ICTIEE January 5-8, 2023 : https://ictiee.org/ictiee2023/