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IUCEE This Week of April 8

“Mortality from US Coal Plants”: Dr. Henneman. George Mason University
Wed Apr 10 at 6:30 pm IST (9:00 am EST)
Register at link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvdOqhqjwpG9eM7SESWBZ95lxOcBIpa1Kf

Courses: Ongoing
NEP Mini Courses Faculty Orientation
Wed Apr 10 at 8:00 pm IST

IUCEE International Educators Certification Program (IIECP)
Harnessing Technology: Lecture 2
Thu Apr 11 at 7:00 pm
(333 participants from 45 IUCEE Colleges and 32 VTU Colleges)

INTLC (IUCEE Network for Teaching and Learning Centers) BiWeekly Meeting
Thu April 11 at 8:00 pm IST
(Leaders of TLC from 56 IUCEE institutions)

Please contact Sridhar Nori at sridharn18@gmail.com for additional information.

IUCEE IFEES GEDC Global Webinar: “Mortality from US Coal Plants”
Abstract: Coal electricity generating units historically contributed to air pollution and its associated health burden in the United States. The true health burden is unknown, however, because of limited evidence on the health response related specifically to coal pollution. We estimate exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) associated with power plant sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions from 1,237 US coal power plant units. Exposure is estimated using the HyADS model, which combines information from the HYSPLIT air dispersion and transport model with output from a full-scale chemical transport model to estimate annual coal PM2.5 source impacts from each coal power plant. We link this exposure to the Medicare dataset and find that coal-specific PM2.5 exposure is associated with a greater risk of mortality than PM2.5 from all emissions sources. From 1999-2020, average national coal PM2.5 reduced by about 90%, with consistently higher concentrations in the eastern half of the country. We estimate 460,000 deaths that are attributable to SO2 emissions from US coal power plants. Before 2007, premature deaths averaged over 43,000 per year. After 2007, annual deaths decreased substantially as many facilities installed emissions controls and/or reduced operations. In 2020, we attribute 1,600 mortalities to coal pollution.

Speaker: Dr. Henneman is an Assistant Professor of Environmental Engineering at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA. He studies relationships between air pollution emissions sources, air quality, human exposure (including inequities), and human health. His recent work involves developing and applying models that enable exposure studies of large numbers of individual air pollution sources. Prior to his current position, Dr. Henneman completed a postdoc at Harvard School of Public Health (2017-2020) and earned his PhD at Georgia Tech (2017).