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March 6, 2023

Week of March 6, 2023

Webinars: IFEES GEDC Global Webinar: “Future of Work In Engineering” Wed, Mar 8, at 7:30 pm IST https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUod-GsrzgoE9RVD2ajqARM89rfBPxziI5U Courses: Ongoing “IUCEE NEP MiniCourse: Design Thinking”Lecture 6 Mon Mar 6 at
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February 27, 2023

Week of Feb 27, 2023

Courses: Ongoing “IUCEE NEP MiniCourse: Design Thinking”Lecture 5 Mon Feb 27 at 6:30 pm IST (400 students from 25 institutions) “IUCEE NEP MiniCourse: Entrepreneurial Thinking”Lecture 5 Mon Feb 27 at 8:00
IUCEE Previous Weeks

February 24, 2023

Week of February 20, 2023

Webinars:IFEES GEDC IUCEE Global Webinar:“Effective Teaching and the Social Purposes of Engineering”Emeritus Professor James Trevelyan, School of Engineering, The University of Western Australia”Feb 22, 2023 at 7:30 PM ISThttps://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpfu2orDMqEtPKnEM_7wmHsn2CBX_O5MgV Courses:
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